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Get Stronger!

The Strong Gray Line supports enhancing mental health and wellness.

We believe that pausing to recognize that you need or want support for your mental health is not a sign of weakness, but rather an act of courage, a sign of strength! When you are in the thick of it, just figuring out where to turn can be overwhelming. Many of us have already taken that step and are better for it.


The SGL "Lines of Strength" campaign aims to support the mental health and wellness needs of our community. With the overwhelming amount of resources available on mental health and wellness topics, we hope to inspire our community to strive for better by doing self-assessments, connecting with others, and asking for help to complete more intensive programs. We are passionate about supporting the needs of our classmates; we are passionate about becoming stronger together.


You can start by learning more information about wellness with this guide to the 8 Dimensions of Wellness. When it's time to take an offensive (instead of defensive and reactionary) approach to get ahead of issues before they are emergencies - we are here to help you best prepare you for success in your journey! Use the following framework or go directly to a resource that resonates with you. If you have recommendations, please let us know.


Disclaimer: Strong Gray Line is not a mental health service. If you feel like you or someone you know is in crisis, please contact the Veteran Crisis LineCall 1-800-273-8255 and Press 1 or TEXT 838255 for a free and confidential support for veterans in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.

First Offensive Line

Help with your personal head game: When was the last time you did a self-assessment? azimuth check?...a course correction?


The first line of offense is to dive in to what your mental health and wellness needs are, your goals, and what support you currently have.


Boxing Pose
Second Offensive Line

Check on a friend, get involved with others: When was the last time you connected with others in order to improve your mental health or share your wellness journey? Is there someone who could use your help?


It's important to be prepared to reach out to support someone else or respond when someone is in a crisis. How do you support others who are struggling? What help from someone else changed your story? 


Sometimes, we are stronger together.

  • If you are interested in peer-support based confidential support, check out Vets4Warriors 24/7.

  • If you are interested in joining a community of veterans for social and wellness engagements, check out Team RWB.



Image by Javier Allegue Barros
Third Offensive Line

We are here to help those who need more intensive and specified support. 


Please stay tuned for more details on how you can help yourself or someone else enhance mental health and wellness - we are here to help!


If you are looking for a way to support Strong Gray Line, please consider donating to this line of effort - your donations go a long way to helping those in need.



Image by Hannah Busing
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